Q: What can I do to tightened up my tummy and stomach area?
A: If you want a flat stomach, crunches and twisting crunches are great. If you have excess body fat covering all your hard work, then you need to cut down on fats in your diet, especially animal fat (i.e. fatty meats, whole dairy products, lard). Cutting back on carbs is ok if you over consume them, but low carb and especially no carb eating plans don't work. You need to eat a diet rich in variety. That means a diet with a balance of protein, carbs and fats in the order of about 25% protein, 55% carbs and 20% fats. Eating this balance in five small meals a day also helps to keep blood sugar even and metabolism up.
So if you want a flat stomach, this eating plan and plenty of cardio is the ticket.
Living Fit by David McKeag Long Beach, California
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